Friday, March 21, 2014

Chicken Salad Tacos

I had roasted a chicken the night before so I had some left over. After picking all the meat off and chopping, I made a simple chicken salad with chopped onion, celery, parsley, salt, pepper, turmeric and mayo.
Unfortunately I didn't have any bread or rolls. Hmmm, scratched my head and noticed I had some corn tortillas sitting there which I use to make chips with. Well they are the wrong kind for making wraps. Flour tortillas are great for that (cheaper than the fancy wraps that they sell in the store). *Ding* I got a great idea! Chicken tacos! Corn tortillas are relatively inexpensive and handy.
I make my own hard shells all the time. Also, make chips or use to make Jack in the Box type tacos. I am getting off the track here so anyway...I like the flat bottom taco shells since they don't fall over. They are easy to make! I place them thru three lines of the rack in my toaster oven.
You can also use a regular oven. If you only put them over two they will curl to the point you will not be able to get them off. Don't worry how they are spread out, they will drop. 350 degrees for about 10 minutes should do it till they turn slightly brown on the edges. I slide under a butter knife under to lift them off.
Easy huh? Next is the fun part. Add a couple tablespoons of your chicken salad, lettuce, grated cheese (I used Colby Jack but use what you have), chopped or sliced tomatoes ( I had grape tomatoes handy)

There you have it! Chicken Salad Tacos! Believe me, they will come for seconds! I would imagine you can use tuna salad or egg salad or even shrimp salad as well. So you see, when there is a will there is a way! Quick and easy to make. I hope you enjoy them.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Irish Potato Candy- Not just for St. Patty's Day!

I make these almost every year at this time for St. Pat's Day. People at work just fight over them. As they are easy to make it can be tiresome to make small "potatoes" when making a double batch! They seem to get bigger and bigger and I go along. LOL. Well anyway, some what my recipe so here it is folks!

1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 (8 oz.) package cream cheese
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract (I use my homemade extract from a previous post)
4 cups confectioners' sugar
2 1/2 cups flaked coconut
1 tablespoon or more of ground cinnamon
I use my +KitchenAid  mixer but use what ever method you want to get the same results. I usually double the recipe since they don't last long at all. If making a double batch use a large bowl or a medium for a single batch. Beat the butter and cream cheese together until smooth. Add the vanilla then slowly add the confectioners' sugar or it will fly all over the place. Beat till smooth. Mix in the coconut last. Roll into balls or little potato shapes, roll in the cinnamon and place on cookie sheet. Chill to set. Store in a container if they last that long!
I use a big flat container so they are not piled on top of each other. Don't want to smush them. I line my container with wax paper sheets. Don't they look cute? This picture was taken right before they were discovered. They all would have all been gone if I hadn't taken them away to save them for some others the next day.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Rug Cleaning Solution

Well I was shampooing my rug and ran out of the darn cleaning solution and wasn't finished. So I decided to give this a try and guess what? It worked better than the store bought! I mixed about 1/2 cup of 20 Mule Team Borax with the water in the shampooer and away I went!
Took out a spot that the store bought didn't take out. Another bonus is that 20 Mule Team Borax deodorized the rug as well!
Guess I will be striking off rug cleaner off my shopping list from now on! It was also great mixed in my cleaning bucket for cleaning the baseboards and the walls. I had tried an all purpose commercial cleaner which didn't do a very good job and thought I would have to re-paint the walls but no! Sometimes you need to take a step back to basics. Just a note here going back to the homemade laundry soap, many people have said that their front loading washing machine tends to stink after a while and need to use that store bought cleaner. Now that is funny. Have to wash your washing machine? Gee, that doesn't sound right does it? I have never had a problem and it dawned on me that I make my own laundry soap and the answer was right in front of me. The Borax neutralizes odors! Duh! Well I hope this helps someone out there. Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lentil Soup

Here is a recipe that is too easy and too inexpensive to make. It is very good for you as well as tasty. So I will not keep you in suspense so here it is.

Lentil Soup

4 quart pot
1 pound bag of dried lentils
Two large carrots
Two stalks of celery
1 medium onion
Salt, Pepper to taste
Dried parley or fresh is better
1/2 small can of tomato paste
Dash or two of powdered garlic (Optional)
Dash of dried basil or fresh (Optional)

Soak your beans in the morning in about 3 quarts of water if you are making it that evening. Or overnight, which ever is more convenient. Can't hurt a dried bean...LOL. After soaking start heating it up while you get your ingredients ready. 
Chop up your carrots, celery and onions and toss them in as you do them.
Add a couple of shakes of parley, a little salt and pepper and let it simmer for about an hour then add your tomato paste. Continue to simmer for about 15 minutes and that is it! If you want more tomato flavor add the rest of the can.This is also a hearty and HEART wise soup.

Now you are saying where is the meat? Well there isn't any. You don't need any chicken stock or beef stock. Trust me, it tastes fine. This is a great soup for vegetarians or for Lent.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Fruit Tarts

I know I haven't been on here lately. But you need to understand that I have been making the same things all over again. Started my Easter Ham last week. Made more yogurt and buttermilk. But this weekend I decided to make something different. I made fruit tarts. This is NOT my recipe. If you are sharp you will notice it's a Julia Child recipe. I started watching her old videos. Here is a pic how mine came out. I also made a huge tart (posting pics too) using a cheese cake rim since that is what I had.

Let me tell you that these were absolutely the best. 

