Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lentil Soup

Here is a recipe that is too easy and too inexpensive to make. It is very good for you as well as tasty. So I will not keep you in suspense so here it is.

Lentil Soup

4 quart pot
1 pound bag of dried lentils
Two large carrots
Two stalks of celery
1 medium onion
Salt, Pepper to taste
Dried parley or fresh is better
1/2 small can of tomato paste
Dash or two of powdered garlic (Optional)
Dash of dried basil or fresh (Optional)

Soak your beans in the morning in about 3 quarts of water if you are making it that evening. Or overnight, which ever is more convenient. Can't hurt a dried bean...LOL. After soaking start heating it up while you get your ingredients ready. 
Chop up your carrots, celery and onions and toss them in as you do them.
Add a couple of shakes of parley, a little salt and pepper and let it simmer for about an hour then add your tomato paste. Continue to simmer for about 15 minutes and that is it! If you want more tomato flavor add the rest of the can.This is also a hearty and HEART wise soup.

Now you are saying where is the meat? Well there isn't any. You don't need any chicken stock or beef stock. Trust me, it tastes fine. This is a great soup for vegetarians or for Lent.



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