Sunday, April 6, 2014

Homemade Mozzarella Let the stretching begin! Part 2

Welcome back to part two of making homemade mozzarella! At this time you should have your curds done. I have tried a few different ways to do the stretching phase. I had the water too hot one time and dumped the curds right into the pot. When I strained it I almost lost all of it! I have used the microwave way and it was hit or miss with that and the cheese was rubbery. I have done it this way many times and it always work. When you work so hard to get the curds done and have this mess it up, it can be disheartening. So take your curds out and slice them up in a glass or stainless bowl. Plastic would be ok I guess as long as it isn't aluminum and it's roomy. Must be non-reactive.

Add a teaspoon of salt. No iodine! Ready a pot of water with a couple of tablespoons of salt and bring temperature up to 140 or so. You don't want boiling!
Add some the water to the curds.
Stir gently. Add more hot water and keep them moving around. Draw off some of the water if you need to add more hot water. Little by little they will start binding together.
Keep it up and start lifting it up with the spoon.
Pretty soon you will be able to gather it up with your hands. Keep adding more hot water as needed.

Isn't this so much fun? I love this part. Keep stretching until all the lumps are smooth.
Turn it under till you have a nice glossy ball and drop in salted ice water.
And here you go!
Pizza anyone? Wrap up and keep in the fridge till you are ready to use! You can also make little balls and store in olive oil with fresh parsley and garlic with a dash of hot pepper shakes. I love those! Let me know if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them!

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