Thursday, May 29, 2014

Cheddar Cheese and More

Been busy making more cheese lately. Cherri-Knoll Greenhouse in PA. is a great source of great milk for making cheese.

I decided to branch out and try cheddar cheese. Got the recipe from . I am in the drying stage at the moment.

I used two gallons of milk for this. It made a nice wheel. The hard part is waiting a month or two before trying it. The other problem is I won't know if it turned out ok till then. Making any more at this point wouldn't be a good idea till I know if it turns out. I am still waiting for the provolone I had made. I am getting itchy to try that soon as well. I did make a great wheel of Colby last week.

Pretty isn't it? This I will try soon. Supposedly you don't have to wait for this to age too much. I have it under wraps in my fridge to age just a few weeks.

I am out of mozzarella so with the remaining milk this week I will make more of that. It is my fav to make. I just love the stretching part don't you? You will find that recipe in one of my other blogs. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. They are always welcomed!


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Homemade Cleanser

There will be no pictures for this. Who wants to see a dirty bathroom? Well, I went to clean the "water closet" and couldn't find any cleanser! The commercial market has all those fancy cleaner just spray on and wipe off. I am an old fashion type and love my cleanser type of person. Yes, it takes more to rinse off but I just can't get away from it. Sorry, it is what it is. Back to my issue. I am out. Now what. Stare at it and hope it goes away? Wait for another day when I can get to the store to buy more? Heck no. Think. Ok. I have other stuff which none by themselves will work. *light bulb goes off* Off to the kitchen! Yes, the kitchen. Grabbed a bowl and put a generous portion of baking soda, many spritzes of Clorox cleaner (use bleach instead if not available) and a squirt of Dawn dish washing liquid (great for cutting grease). Off to the bathroom. It made the fixtures shine, cut though the gunk, and did a better job than my favorite cleanser with less product! Best part, less scrubbing! Just what I like! And rinsing was minimal!

Sometimes we just have to take a step back and use some of our grey matter. I hope you find this helpful. It worked for me. Using it took half the time that I usually take cleaning the bathroom. I believe it was the NOT need to rinse so much. Please try it and let me know how you made out!


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Miss me?

Did you miss me? I have been making the same thing over again and like I have mentioned before I didn't think it was news worthy to repeat. I just wanted to wish everyone a great and safe holiday weekend. I did make some homemade pizza with my homemade mozzarella. Here it is!
I did do something different on the crust though. Instead of water I used buttermilk. You know it came out rather well! Full bodied, crunchy on the outside, tender on the inside. Also made a nice Sicilian type crust. 

I always believe in trying something new! Any questions let me know!


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Ricotta Cheese Cake with homemade Ricotta

Haven't been posting lately since I have been making the same thing over again and I didn't think anyone would be appreciative seeing the same thing over and over again. Lately I have been making a lot of cheese and of course there is lots of ricotta being made from the whey. I decided to make a ricotta cheesecake! It came out very well if I may say so. Here is what I did.
About 2-3 pounds of Ricotta
2/3 cups of sugar
1/3 cup of flour
6 eggs
1/8 salt
2 tsp. of orange zest
2 tsp. orange extract
2 tsp. vanilla extract
Ground or fresh ground nutmeg

Pre-Heat oven 300 degrees.
Beat ricotta smooth, add flour, sugar, salt, extracts, zest. Beat your eggs in one at a time till well incorporated. Butter and flour a spring form pan. Pour in batter in pan. Bake for 1 1/2 hours or until golden and knife comes out clean. Chill before serving. Garnish with orange slices if you want.
As you can see it didn't take long for us to dig in! I suspect they the whole cake won't make the end of the weekend! I am sure you can use store bought ricotta but I love making use of everything so I made my own! It certainly a bonus from making cheese. Any questions let me know!