Sunday, May 4, 2014

Ricotta Cheese Cake with homemade Ricotta

Haven't been posting lately since I have been making the same thing over again and I didn't think anyone would be appreciative seeing the same thing over and over again. Lately I have been making a lot of cheese and of course there is lots of ricotta being made from the whey. I decided to make a ricotta cheesecake! It came out very well if I may say so. Here is what I did.
About 2-3 pounds of Ricotta
2/3 cups of sugar
1/3 cup of flour
6 eggs
1/8 salt
2 tsp. of orange zest
2 tsp. orange extract
2 tsp. vanilla extract
Ground or fresh ground nutmeg

Pre-Heat oven 300 degrees.
Beat ricotta smooth, add flour, sugar, salt, extracts, zest. Beat your eggs in one at a time till well incorporated. Butter and flour a spring form pan. Pour in batter in pan. Bake for 1 1/2 hours or until golden and knife comes out clean. Chill before serving. Garnish with orange slices if you want.
As you can see it didn't take long for us to dig in! I suspect they the whole cake won't make the end of the weekend! I am sure you can use store bought ricotta but I love making use of everything so I made my own! It certainly a bonus from making cheese. Any questions let me know!

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