Friday, September 19, 2014

Stuffed Peppers...Tis the season!

You really can't pass up a freebie. I was offered half a box of yellow bell peppers. What? Say no? NOT! On the way home my mind was already humming as to what to do with them. A plan started to formulate. I could always stuff them with plain stuffing or get creative. A step back here....plain stuffing, homemade that is, is the best by itself. I have used it to stuff my Thanksgiving turkeys as long as I can remember. It really is a very simple thing that can be used for many different things and as here for stuffing peppers! I will get to that recipe in a moment. Ok I thought I have a little homemade tomato sauce in the fridge. I have rice....need bread for the stuffing so off to the store. I had to go anyway. Got a loaf of cheap bread while there and there was a good sale on some ground chuck. More for the mix! Back to the home turf!

Basic Stuffing:

1/2 pound butter or margarine
Loaf of bread
2-3 stalks of celery diced
1 medium onion diced  
Fresh or dried parsley
salt and pepper to taste
2 eggs

Need a big bowl for mixing and large fry pan for sauteing the onions and celery. In the big bowl break up the bread. 
In the fry pan melt the butter or margarine and add celery and onions. Cook till translucent.

Chop parsley add to bread and add the onion and celery mix as well. As I had gotten some ground beef I cooked up a pound of it and drained and added that to the mix too.

Had some cooked rice...tossed that in.
So we have our mix all together. The stuffing, beef and rice. You can add additional spices if you like. Garlic maybe or some added black pepper and salt to taste. Fresh or dried rosemary for sure. Gives it a great taste. Now we need to core our peppers.
Aren't they pretty? Pre-heat oven 350 degrees. Stuff them up and place in pan. Drizzle a little olive oil or what you may have on hand. I also drizzled some leftover tomato sauce on them as well. Bake approx 40 minutes. Remove and eat up!

There are so many variations you can do. Add cheese. Add broccoli. Add ham. The sky is the limit! Let me know your favorite!

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