Sunday, May 25, 2014

Homemade Cleanser

There will be no pictures for this. Who wants to see a dirty bathroom? Well, I went to clean the "water closet" and couldn't find any cleanser! The commercial market has all those fancy cleaner just spray on and wipe off. I am an old fashion type and love my cleanser type of person. Yes, it takes more to rinse off but I just can't get away from it. Sorry, it is what it is. Back to my issue. I am out. Now what. Stare at it and hope it goes away? Wait for another day when I can get to the store to buy more? Heck no. Think. Ok. I have other stuff which none by themselves will work. *light bulb goes off* Off to the kitchen! Yes, the kitchen. Grabbed a bowl and put a generous portion of baking soda, many spritzes of Clorox cleaner (use bleach instead if not available) and a squirt of Dawn dish washing liquid (great for cutting grease). Off to the bathroom. It made the fixtures shine, cut though the gunk, and did a better job than my favorite cleanser with less product! Best part, less scrubbing! Just what I like! And rinsing was minimal!

Sometimes we just have to take a step back and use some of our grey matter. I hope you find this helpful. It worked for me. Using it took half the time that I usually take cleaning the bathroom. I believe it was the NOT need to rinse so much. Please try it and let me know how you made out!


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