Saturday, June 28, 2014

Quick Homemade Pasta

Well I found myself in need of some pasta for clams and pasta but the cupboard was bare! This would normally place most in the car for the store or opt for making something else. But why? Got flour, salt, egg and a little olive oil and you have some pasta! I know most don't have time for this sort of thing. And it's true, during the week it would not be time friendly but a weekend is a different story. As it happens it's Saturday and I think I spent more time searching the cabinet than it took to whip up the dough! Besides, homemade is tastier and at least I know what is in it. 

   I have been making my own off and on for years and years. I do have a crank pasta maker which I have used, but only if I am going to make a lot and freeze most of it for later use. Today I only wanted to make enough for the meal. If that is the case then this is for you! Another scenario would be you want to wow someone or someones without having to do the crank thing. Granted, this pasta will be a thicker when cooked than if you used a pasta maker but hey! It's homemade! Believe me you will not find the quality or the yum factor in the store. Not any that I know at least. So let's begin.

2-3 cups unbleached flour
1 cup + water (I used the whey from cheese making)
2 tablespoon of Olive Oil
Tablespoon or slightly less of salt
1 large egg

You can omit the egg which I have once in a while but 1 egg isn't going to kill you and you really should have the vitamin K and protein that eggs provide. Kinda of cancels out the Cholesterol factor if you ask me.The egg adds a richness to the pasta but let me know if you think so too. Ok picture time. If you have any problems following this let me know and I will make adjustments. 
Make a well in your flour.

Add salt

Olive oil


Whey or water

Mix with fork

Start pulling the flour from the edges. Add more liquid if you think you won't have enough. You can always add more flour if you put too much.
Keep pulling and mixing till you can gather into a ball.

Kneed adding additional flour till some what stiff but still workable. If you were to use a pasta machine it should be stiff but since we are not a little on the soft side is better. Let rest for a little bit, about 5 minutes.

Liberally dust with flour

Roll out with a rolling pin into a rectangle constantly dusting with flour and turning over. Then we are going to fold it over still dusting so it doesn't stick together.

Take a knife and cut into strips. The width is up to you. Thin or thick is fine.
Now you want to undo them and lay them full length sprinkled with lots of flour.

Let dry out for a while turning them carefully over if you wish to aid in drying out some. Boil lots of salted water and cook till with your favorite sauce or gravy like my family calls tomato sauce!


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