Saturday, June 7, 2014

Baked Bacon Wrapped Chicken

This a pretty much straight forward recipe for chicken. I uses the buttermilk I have posted in a previous post. I am a big advocate of soaking chicken in buttermilk to make it tender and juicy. Since soaking using buttermilk you tend to use a lot of it and it goes down the drain afterwards. You can not use it again without the HIGH risk of contamination of unwanted bacteria from the meat. At $2.99 a quart, buttermilk tends to be expensive. Therefore making your own is the wisest choice. What you purchase in the store is cultured to begin with why not just keep it going. This is the wisest course of action. I also use buttermilk as a key culture in making my cheeses so I save money there as well. Buttermilk is the mesophilic culture needed to make many different cheeses.

On to this recipe. Marinade your chicken (any parts) for at least half hour to several hours. Spray or oil a baking pan. Shake each piece from the buttermilk. I used my apple smoked homemade bacon and wrapped each piece. Sprinkle some garlic powder and some pepper over the pieces bake at 350 degrees for about an hour or more till done. Time will depend on what type of chicken parts you use. The legs took about and hour and 10 minutes. I do not recommend salting the chicken due to using bacon. If the bacon is salty you will over salt.
The juicy chicken coupled with the smokey flavor of the bacon is truly mouth watering! Another thing, I love plain Greek yogurt on my chicken when eating it. Don't knock it till you try it! It is especially good on fried chicken. Plain yogurt is a great substitute for sour cream and better for you! You can also find my homemade yogurt in my blog. Any questions or comments are always welcome! Let me know how yours came out!


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