Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Homemade Manicotti with Marinara Sauce

    I remember watching my Nana making the crespelle (crepe shell) for this. She was dipping into the batter and swirling it in a hot pan round and round lifting it with her fingers and tossing it over to briefly cook the other side before shimming it out onto the growing stack on plate. I begged her to let me try it. I guess I was about 7 or 8 at the time. She did relent, and I guess I did ok but I was only allowed to do one though she had to fix it first before adding to the stack! It was fascinating to watch her.

    These are so tender, light and delicious. The crespelle is also very versatile too. You can use it for a dessert dish too. Slice up some strawberries add a little whipped cream, fold over top with more whipped cream and a whole berry for garnish! I always made it for my boys with any left over crespelle. So onto the good stuff here. First we need to make the crespelle. If you are not going to use them right a way you can store in the refrigerator for a few days which is nice. Making them ahead of time will cut down on your prep time.  This recipe will make about 18 filled crespelle. So let us begin. You will need the following:

Manicotti Crespelle

 6 eggs-Beat Well then add
2 cups of water
2 cups of flour
dash of salt
Beating after each addition

I want to talk a moment about the pan. I use this one.

It has shallow sides and overall a great size. Not too big not too small. Believe it or not I only use it to me crespelle. I don't use it for anything else and won't allow anyone else to use it either! This particular one is +Farberware Cookware 8" pan. Mix up your batter and get your workspace ready.

I chose my smallest ladle which holds enough batter for my purpose. You may want to experiment with what you have. Too much batter in the pan makes a thick crespelle. We want thin. Too little and you won't have enough batter to coat the pan properly.
Heat up your pan and for your first one you may want to very lightly coat the pan with margarine or +PAM Cooking Spray. You will only have to do this once. Have a fork and spatula handy too for flipping. Dip into your batter and pour into the pan and swirl the pan completely coating the bottom. This may take practice. Once you get the hang of it, it will be a snap.

Swirl the pan and coat up the sides

Once the edges curl away  from the pan lift and flip over either with your fingers or your spatula.

After flipping, swish around in your pan for a second or two and then put on your stack.
Full batch will make about 18-20 crespelle. 

    At this point, like I have said earlier, you can wrap them up and keep in the refrigerator ahead of time or freeze for future use. Next step is to make a marinara sauce.

Marinara Sauce

1 can @Tuttorosso Crushed tomatoes Green can
4 cloves of garlic diced
1 small onion diced
fresh parsley or dried
fresh basil or dried
Romano cheese
Salt and pepper to taste.

Put a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in small pan add garlic and saute till tender.

Add the onions and saute till translucent then add your can of tomatoes

Add parsley, basil, salt and pepper stirring often

Add some grated cheese (this is my homemade cheese)

Stir and cover, simmer on low for about 20 min. Remove from heat.
You can use your regular tomato gravy that is made with meatballs and sausage if you want. I did the Marinara because I didn't have time to do a Sunday pot of gravy! Now we have to make our filling.

Manicotti Filling

2 pounds Ricotta cheese whole or part skim
 2 eggs (an egg for every pound of cheese if you are going to make more)
About two tablespoons of grated cheese
About a tablespoon of dried parsley or fresh
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Mix well

Now we are going to assemble everything. Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees and grab your baking dish!
Need to put a light coating of your marinara sauce and sprinkle some grated cheese on top. You do not need to grease this pan.

Get workspace ready to go.
Take one crespelle and add a heaping spoon's worth and spread across the middle.
Fold over each side seam down.

Place in dish side by side till filled. Remember, all seems down.

Add more sauce on top and sprinkle some more grated cheese on top.
Place in oven for about 45 minutes. Watch that the sides don't burn. Ovens do vary. Let sit for about 5 minutes before serving.

These are so light and tender. They will literally melt in your mouth! I guarantee they will be a crowd pleaser. Now I know this seems like a lot of work but it is well worth it. Those store bought tubes can not complete with this. Give this a try once and believe me you will never buy those things again. Don't forget you can make the crespelle ahead of time as well as the marinara sauce. As always if you have any questions please let me know. I will be more than happy to answer you!


Stephanie DelGrippo

Monday, January 12, 2015

Panko Bread Crumbs

I just love these bread crumbs! Light, fluffy and crunchy. They also prevent your food from soaking up lots of excess oil when frying your food.Seasoned or not they are great. Big problem is they are pricy and you don't really get a lot. I bought a box once, the whole box did four pork chops! They are so simple to make and cheaply too! As you can tell I am big on food processors so if you don't have one you really need to get a good one. If you have one now, get it ready and head to the dollar store for a couple loaves of bread! Let's make panko!

Panko Bread Crumbs

Food processor

Small list for such a great product. Here we go.

Insert your shredding blade in your food processor.

Here are my two loaves of bread I got at +ShopRite (Official Page) for a buck each. Just a note, I didn't use the entire two loaves, just 1 and 3/4 of the other. It makes more than you think! Cut about 5 slices in half and feed two halves at a time thru the feeder. 5 slices filled mine up! Transfer to a bowl for the next step. Pre-heat your oven to 270 degrees in the meantime. 
Next spread a thin layer of the shredded bread on cookie sheets or what you have available. I used one cookie sheet and my largest pizza pan.

Place in oven for about 10 minutes or longer checking often and turning often if you can. You want to just toast them without them turning brown. They will darken somewhat but not a deep brown. 

If you touch them they should be crunch-like. Save the wrapper from your bread and transfer them to that and put another handful on the sheets and repeat till all done.
I almost totally filled one bread sleeve! I made 1 pound and 11 ounces of unflavored crumbs for less than $2.00! If you bought them in the store it would cost you $2.29 or better for 8 ounces!

   At this point you can flavor all of them at once or you many wish to flavor them as you need them. You may be in the mood for Italian or maybe a bit of chipolte with some heat and fire or maybe a cool ranch. Add dry salad dressing mixes for a really great coating or mix up your own. How about a great taco taste...use taco dry mix! Whether you make up your own or use a mix you are still coming out ahead. Here is a simple mix to add.

1 Tablespoon Dry parsley
1 Tsp. Garlic powder
1 Tsp. onion powder
1 Tsp. Rosemary
1 Tsp. Thyme
1 Tablespoon grated cheese
 1 Tsp. salt
1 Tsp. pepper

Mix with about 4 cups of the crumbs. Great for chicken or pork chops.  Keep remaining crumbs in closed bag in dry place.

    The variations are endless to say the least. Also, save yourself some money and shop the Mexican aisle in your grocery store. The spices there seem to be more affordable than in the baking aisle. They come in little bags mostly but take up less room in the spice cabinet or transfer them to some empty jars you may have. Also consider starting a herb garden during the summer and dry your own for the winter months.  I hope you enjoy your Panko bread crumbs! As always if you have any questions let me know!


Stephanie DelGrippo

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Jewish Apple Cake

I remember many a weekend at my Nana's baking till all hours making all kinds of goodies. She used to ask me what kind of cake I wanted for my birthday and I always said Apple! She had to make two because you can't frost an apple cake! One time in grade school someone had a big slice in their lunch. I traded my entire lunch for the single piece. Unfortunately it wasn't the same. It wasn't the same recipe at all. I remember being so disappointed. Well here is THE recipe and I do hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I get all teary when I make it as the sight and smell brings me back to days gone by....and wish were still here.

Jewish Apple Cake

3 cups four (cake flour) all purpose is fine. I like unbleached  myself
3 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup oil
1/2 cup orange juice
1 1/2 cup sugar
4 eggs (beat well)
About 6-8 apples Granny Smith preferably I like lots of apples!
Pre-heat oven 350 degrees

Grease and lightly flour a two piece tube pan.

Slice apples and mix with 4 tablespoons of sugar and 3 tablespoon of cinnamon and set aside.
Beat eggs and add sugar mixing till smooth.

Add oil, orange juice etc. Last add flour.
Pour some batter in bottom of pan and layer apples. Keep layering ending with batter on top. You don't need to completely cover apples before adding more apples.

Layer apples and batter thinly

You don't have to complete bury the apples in the batter before adding more apples.
Pop into pre-heated oven.

Bake 1 1/2 hours or until toothpick comes out clean.

Bet you can't eat just one slice!
    You can just taste it now can't you! Depending on your oven the 1 1/2 hours in the oven may be enough but usually I end up going another 15 min. When you check with the toothpick be aware if you poke the apples you may not get a genuine test result.

   I do hope you love this recipe as much as I do. Make it often and when you do close your eyes and remember fond childhood memories of your own, as I have. 


Stephanie DelGrippo

PS. As always if you should have any questions just ask!