Friday, January 24, 2014

Baked Beans in a Crock Pot

I had made some fresh homemade bacon and thought...I would like some homemade baked to the pantry I went and pulled out some beans but didn't want to be running the oven for 8 hours. Crockpot!
Why not? Low temp and it will keep the temp constant. So here is what I did. Now you can make what ever adjustments you would like to make it your own. I am so used to using a dash of this and a pinch of that so I will attempt to put some kind of measurements to this as best as I can. I like mine a little spicy but you can tone it down if you like. You can even use more than one kind of bean too.
1 pound bag of dried navy beans soaked for 12 hours in plenty of water
1 cup brown sugar
Black Pepper
1 tablespoon dried mustard
1/4 cup ketchup
2 cloves of chopped garlic
1 small onion chopped
4 thick slices of bacon cut into large pieces
1/4 teaspoon dill or so
1 teaspoon turmeric
Couple of dashes of hot sauce
dash of cayenne pepper
Optional chili powder
Pour off some of the water so the beans are still just covered and add to the crockpot reserving the liquid. Add all the ingredients into the pot and cover and let 'er rip on medium over night or for about 8 hours. Check and make sure there is enough liquid. If it cooks too fast add some of the reserved liquid. Remove lid and turn up to high and let cook down for about an hour stirring frequently. All done!

How easy is that? Serve with your favorite meal. Hot Dogs anyone?


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