Thursday, November 7, 2013

Homemade Vanilla Extract

Vanilla...oh what a beautiful scent and essential for most baking. Since we are all trying to save money where we can, vanilla is a good place to start. What is up with the price of pure vanilla extract? What is the size of the bottle 1/2 oz.? For how much money? I haven't bought vanilla extract in years and years. Now here is the trick to get the vanilla bean cheap....have lots of friends that bake too? Get together and get yourselves some vanilla bean from and split it up between you all. That way you keep your cost down and everyone benefits! Start yourself up a spice club! Buy bulk and split it up! I share with someone at work and it works well. Back to the task at hand.
Get your stuff together:
Mason Jar
Vanilla Bean (Madagascar is what I use)
Vodka (any cheap brand)
Simple yes?
Split a couple of beans lengthwise and chop up. Fill your mason jar with cheap vodka and add the vanilla bean. Cap and shake once a day or so for a couple of weeks till you get a deep brown color. There, you are done! Use as usual.
This is a quart jar...that's a lot of Vanilla Extract!
As you use it and it gets low leave the bean in but add some more and add more vodka or start another jar when the first is getting low. Don't toss the old bean, just add to it. Keep in a dark place or place in a paper bag. Your vanilla extract doesn't like light. Guess that is why the store bought stuff is always in a brown bottle! You will never have to worry about having enough Vanilla while you are busy with your baking! You may want to try your hand at homemade Vanilla ice cream! Real Vanilla bean! I miss those little dark specks in my ice cream. Always wondered what happened to much is artificial these days in the store. You can also get some Epson salts and infuse with vanilla bean, dress up the jar and give as a gift as a relaxing vanilla soak! So much for so little money.
Please do leave any comments or questions below. I would love to hear from you!

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