Friday, November 8, 2013

Vinegar Pie

Had to happen. Though when tasting this pie it was the right taste the texture didn't come out quite right. It was my fault though so maybe you may have better luck with it. I will have to try it again because I don't like defeat. I believe I didn't whip up the butter and sugar together enough. I also believe I should have beaten the eggs in one at a time and added the vinegar last. The texture was grainy and it wasn't puffed up enough by my way of thinking. It you try this let me know how you make out. I am really interested in how it comes out for you. Matter of fact I would appreciate the input.
The origin comes from the lack of lemons and other fruits during the 1930s. The Amish wanted to come up with something that looked like creamy lemony pie.
Vinegar Pie
1 disk My Homemade Pie Dough (see previous posts)
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
1 1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
3 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (see previous post)
Pre-heat oven 350 degrees
In a large bowl, blend the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes, stirring vigorously with a fork. Add the vinegar, eggs, and vanilla. Whisk vigorously for 1 full minute until the mixture is creamy and smooth. Pour into the unbaked pie crust. Bake until a butter knife inserted in the center comes out clean about 45 minutes. the pie will be a golden brown when done, over baking will cause cracks in the top. Cool before serving.

As I have said in a previous post these pies come from The Amish Cook's Baking Book by Lovina Eicher with Kevin Williams which I got from the local library. Since I have been trying to save money and making things myself instead of buying them in the store, I have been trying these easy simple pies. Baking shouldn't be a mystery and should be easy so we can all enjoy the fruits of our efforts. The wow factor from our family doesn't hurt our baking ego either!

Please leave any comments or questions below.



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