Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pizza Muffins

I know this has been out there for some time. My mother made these in the '70's and don't know if she came up with the idea or saw it somewhere else. I have made them for years and years myself but elaborated on it somewhat since they always came out soggy the way my mother had made them. Since we just made homemade mozzarella and homemade English Muffins (from previous post) I thought it would be a great next post.  These would be a great snack for the kids or a appetizer for a party or just for dinner. So onto what you need:
English Muffins (Store bought or make your own!)
Sauce (Your own or store bought)
garlic powder
If you make your own you have this....

Split them open and toast them in the toaster. This will keep them from getting soggy when you put the sauce and toppings on till you bake them up.
Spread them out and put your sauce and toppings on. I use my own sauce but store bought would be just ok. A quick marinara sauce does great too.

Here I used my homemade sausage and baby portabellas which were sautéed first. You need to sauté your mushrooms first or they tend to release moisture when they cook and would add unwanted water on your muffins. Another thing. Your toppings should go on first before your cheese. Here we have my homemade mozzarella.
You will not believe the difference homemade makes. So if you really want to make a splash at a party you can say you made these top to bottom, literally! The Yum factor is huge! You can use what ever toppings you have handy. Sprinkle on a little garlic powder and oregano. Top with your cheese.
I opted not to use my regular oven and use my toaster oven. I also use unglazed quarry tiles. 6" x 6" I have 9 of them that I usually line my rack in my oven on the very bottom when ever I make pizza. The reason for this is so the bottom cooks evenly with the top or else your top will cook before the crust has a chance to cook. You usually get a burnt top before the bottom is finished. There are pizza stones you can purchase but I found that if you use the tiles that when not in use they stack and don't take up much room. They should be readily available at your local +Home Depot or +Lowe's Home Improvement Center in the tile section. Just ask. Remember they need to be unglazed. Well any way my toaster oven holds 4 of them beautifully. Heat the oven (which ever one you chose) to 425 degrees thoroughly. You want to make sure the tiles or stone is also at that temp. Now don't worry if you don't have the tiles or stone. With these, since we toasted the muffins first, you can use a cookie sheet. I just like using my tiles since they come out faster and more even. Personal preference but not critical for these. Ok back to the matter at hand. When the oven is all pre-heated (very important) pop them in.
Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until the cheese is melted and starts to bubble.

Don't they look the yummiest? Serve as it or let cool somewhat and quarter to serve as appetizers! Let me know what you think! If you should have any questions please let me know. I will be more than happy to answer you!

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