Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Burritos on a Budget

Been really busy lately and had some friend up from the South so it has been a little hectic. Life occasionally gets in the way of what we would like to do. No matter.

   I am sure I have said this before but sometimes you just gotta love the dollar store! I am sure there are plenty of things that are not such a great deal but then again there's plenty that are. They have these flour tortillas for a $1 a pack.
They are great in my book. They keep like forever and have so many uses beside just tacos. I have used them for wraps which is handy when you are out of bread. Make taco bowls out of them with upside down oven proof bowls on a cookie sheet or use those special molds like I picked up at goodwill for cheap. I used to make chips out of them but the chips came out so brittle that it was hard to scoop with them but they did ok I guess for a chip mound done up in the oven. What they are great at are making a whole mess of burritos which you can package up individually and freeze for a great wholesome CHEAP snack for the kids after school! I used to make them for my son who is a vegan.
    I picked up a couple of bags of pinto beans and used my crock pot to cook them all day. Mash them up and add what ever spices you like. Chili pepper, salt, garlic, onion or you may have a packet of taco seasoning around to toss in. There is no wrong way to make these. This batch I added a small can of tomato paste for added flavor. I didn't want a hot spicy taste to these so I left out the jalapeƱo peppers but you can if you want to add a little heat. Got leftover chicken, turkey or a bit of roast left? shred it up and toss it in! Like I said, there isn't a wrong way to make them. I added a 8 oz. bag of shredded cheese to the mix in mine.
You will have a mess of thick pasty bean going on. This was two bags of beans but you can only use one. It made up all of the two packages of tortillas with some left over. Now just put a heaping tablespoon or two into the bottom portion of a shell and fold half over, fold the sides in and roll up. At this point you can package up for the freezer. I decided we would have some fried up in a little olive oil served with taco sauce. You can eat them as is.

Serve it up! Another thing, you can top with sour cream or like I do with some of your homemade plain yogurt! Yogurt is a great substitute for sour cream and better for you. Check out one of my previous posts on how to make your own. With milk in the house you will have a limitless supply of yogurt on hand for sure! I sure hope you enjoy this post!

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