Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Best Rice Pudding and Very Easy!

By far this is the easiest rice pudding recipe ever. I have been making it forever. Done on the stove top and thickens as it cools so don't be disappointed if it is runny at first. It will just get better if allowed to chill in the fridge overnight. You can force chill in the freezer if you like but have patience. The recipe makes a lot but you can cut it in half using three eggs of the five it calls for. Let's begin!
Part "A"
1 gallon of milk
2 cups of water
1//2 stick of butter
2 cups of uncooked CAROLINA rice. (DO NOT SUBSTITUTE!)
Mix together and bring to a boil. Stir occasionally so the rice doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot.
Part "B"
5 large eggs
2 cups of sugar
2 tsp. Vanilla
Beat together
Add to "A" just after it starts to bubble. Simmer exactly 28 min. Remove from heat. Cool to thicken.
Optional 1/2 stick of cinnamon
Optional 1 cup + of raisins soaked in very hot water to plump
I always add the stick of cinnamon but you can always sprinkle ground cinnamon on the pudding afterwards. While it is simmering you can add your raisins if you want. Remember, it will thicken as it cools. It will get better the next day. If you have any questions let me know.



  1. Sooooo going to make this!! :) :) :) :)

  2. I made this last nite and I gotta say it was absolutely delicious!! I love it!! Thanks GF!!
