Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pickles, Pickles and more Pickles

I was in Aldi's the other day and they had the most gorgeous cucumbers for 23 cents a piece. So I thought wow! Pickles! I bought 10 of them and was really pleased with myself knowing I had Ball pickling spices at home and some big jars. I knew I was just about out of the Bread and Butter pickles I had made last fall from my own grown cucumbers. You may be able to get store bought ones on sale for like two for $5.00 but believe me they are not as good as making your own. I never liked the store's bread and butter pickles so I thought they were all that way. Well I was wrong. When I made my own I couldn't stop eating them! I didn't realize how different homemade was!
So in getting home I prepared my work space and washed the jars in hot soapy water and washed my cucumbers up nice. I decided to make dill and some bread and butter both. I had a gallon jar and a half gallon jar. I cut the dill ones with a ripple and the bread and butter with a straight knife. I like cold pack over processing them. Being winter I have them in the cold garage. I also add a teaspoon or more of citric acid to the mix to preserve the flavor. I followed the directions on the mix.

Aren't these cucumbers great looking? I decided to slice the dill ones instead of making spears. But no matter I like them any which way.
So for about $2.30 I got a gallon and half of pickles I made myself. I just have to wait about two weeks till they are done :(



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