Saturday, December 14, 2013

Cream of Broccoli Soup

Well in my household not everyone is fond of any green food. But I just love broccoli and cream of broccoli soup so if your household is the same, here is a great tip to make what you like and still feed the rest of the family! Most of your cream soups are chicken soup base. Cream of broccoli, cauliflower, chicken, etc. Sooooo, since it is soup weather make yourself a nice pot of chicken soup but before you add your pasta or what ever you plan on giving your soup it's umph, i.e., dumplings, pasta, rice or what ever, you can use some of that golden broth to make a spot of soup you like that the rest of the family wouldn't care for. So in this instance I made cream of broccoli.  Let's begin. This is what you need:
About 10-12 oz Broccoli
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 large clove of garlic
three tablespoon flour
1 cup milk
2 cups of chicken stock
salt, pepper, optional turmeric to taste
Chop up your broccoli and mince your garlic and put in a small sauce pan with your butter or margarine and sauté for about 10 minutes. Add your flour and stir on medium heat till completely combined. Add your milk while stirring till it is smooth. Add your chicken stock from the pot of chicken soup you are making on the other burner.
I didn't bother straining out the carrots and stuff. I just added what ever I scooped out, but that is my preference. You can strain out the veggies for just the stock. Add your salt, pepper and optional turmeric to taste.  Simmer till nice and thick and serve yourself up! You can also add a few chunks of your homemade American cheese if you like too for a little cheesy taste!
Now if you are lucky and your entire family likes broccoli you can make a bigger pot and use the entire chicken stock you made including the chicken for a great cream of broccoli and chicken soup! Just increase your flour, broccoli and milk, etc.
During the harvest season I frequent my favorite Amish farm and get great deals on heads of broccoli and cauliflower really cheap. I blanch them and then spread them on cookie sheets and freeze. When totally frozen I put them in bags so I can take out just what I need without having to defrost the entire bag. Great hint if you have a separate freezer in your house or you can do smaller batches in a regular freezer. For me, a dollar or so a head stretches my food money to the max and makes great soup or side!
Let me know if you have any questions or comments below. I will be happy to answer any. Keep warm this winter and as always...

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