Monday, December 2, 2013

Old Fashion Chicken Soup

Well with Thanksgiving over with and I am sure we are all coming out of our Turkey Comas. I hope you all tried some of the pies that I posted. I know I made them all and they were delicious. Now on to other things. With the flu season upon us with it's aches and pains we will look into some comfort food. What better than Chicken Soup! I read an article years and years ago about a study that compared hot chicken soup and hot water and its effect on a cold. Essentially there wasn't a difference between either as it was the hot steam, they concluded, was what helped congestion. I thought about that and did some digging and came to my own conclusion. We don't make chicken soup the way our grandparents made it. Does tossing a chicken, carrots, onions, celery and some store bought chicken stock into a pot sound like something you would make? Maybe, maybe not but it may be close. Now there is a yuk factor to some with this recipe. Try to get around it. Let's begin...
Old Fashion Chicken Soup
1 Chicken
1 package of chicken feet prepared
Salt & Pepper to taste
Pasta of choice
Optional rosemary and turmeric
Chicken Feet the Yuk factor.

A little about chicken feet. You see them in the store but what the heck are they for? They are a delicacy for some but we are going to use them for their benefits they provide. They are chock full of glucosamine and chondroitin which is great for joint health..the aches and pains of a cold or flu? Full of collagen to promote skin health, full of protein and calcium and much more. Plus it provides a velvety smooth taste to your soup! Since the feet you get in the super market these days as in the above picture are already cleaned and ready to go. You need to prepare them by sniping off the nails and splitting with a knife lengthwise. Snip any dark spots out of the palm.
This allows all the goodness to come out in your soup. Toss them in the pot, cover with water.
Next get your chicken. You want to split it up and whack the bones with the back of your knife to crack them.

Toss it into the pot. The reason for the chopping and hacking is to allow all the chicken goodness to come out!
I like tossing in a bay leaf and a sprig of rosemary at this point. Cook away and skim the yuck off the edges.

Meanwhile cut up about 5-6 carrots, a large onion, half a stalk of celery (include the leafy part! Tasty!). You can add more if you like,
Strain out your feet and chicken and let cool. Add your vegetables and parsley, salt and pepper.
Continue cooking till soft. When your chicken meat is cool to handle, cut up and add to your stock. Any left over chicken reserve for chicken salad. Add your pasta of choice...I used this. Add about a cup.
Cook till pasta is done and serve. I like to add a little Turmeric and a little extra black pepper for added benefits as stated in one of my previous posts. Now this is comfort food and very good for you! Don't knock the chicken feet till you try it. I can't resist slurping the cooked ones. They are very tasty but that is up to you. I hope you will give this a try. It is the best chicken soup you will every make and the best for you health wise. If you have any comments or questions please let me know. I will be glad to answer them for you!

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