Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Make Your Own Tortilla Chips on the Cheap!

The purpose of this blog is mainly to do things on the cheap, to get closer to basics and to get away from the convenient-ized world that we live in. Like I have mentioned before, we are so used to store bought stuff, our taste buds have forgotten or never had the real thing. We rush, rush, rush, to go where? I have always made a home cooked meal the normal way. My mother once asked me why don't I just buy the pre-prepared stuff and it was quicker. Sorry, I don't do that and I have always made everything the old fashion way, or close to it and still believe it's the best way, and the healthiest way by default. My best friend and the love of my life when I met him was I guess over weight. Before he met me he ate I am guessing fast food and processed foods. Within 6 months he lost over 40 pounds and his family didn't recognized him at a family gathering we went to. Since then his blood pressure has dropped with the weight as well as cholesterol. No tricks, just home cooked meals with lots of love. There is something to say about making food the right way instead of buying what other say what it should be or has become. By the way after over 6 years he hasn't gained any of it back.
All I hear about when people ask me about what I make is that "I don't have time for that!" Oh how that pains me. I don't understand that statement. While some things are cooking or simmering get a load of laundry done or fold clothes or run the vacuum. I am sure you can set a timer somehow to get it all done. Timers are great so you don't get off track.
Ok so let's get back to what this blog is about. Tortilla chips...I don't buy them in the bag any longer and haven't in a long time. How much is a bag these days? $2.99-$3.99 a bag? With a little oil which can be re-used for other things you can make tons of chips for $1.00! That is right! I said $1.00! I am not talking about making dough and rolling and frying but with something you can buy on the cheap and make your own. Here is what you need:
Oil (vegetable)
Corn tortillas
Can it be any simpler? I don't think so! A stack of corn tortillas cost about a buck, can be found in the mex aisle in the supermarket. Not the flour tortillas mine you!
 Cut into fourths and fry in oil till golden brown. I have tried baking them in the oven at 350 degrees but they don't taste as good (so I am told from my taste testers) but are probably better for you. If you pre-bake them in the oven for about 10 minutes before deep frying them they come out better and don't take as long to deep fry them. You only need about an inch or so of oil so you don't need any special equipment to deep fry them in. Cut into fourths and drop in the oil.
 As you can see I have a sauce pan I use just for deep frying. You will need a slotted spoon to scoop them out into a paper lined bowl. Look how may you get for a $1.00!
This was just about half of what I got as everyone was hungry for my chips! The butter knife gives you a perspective of the size of the bowl. Is it worth about 20 min. of your time?  I think so and I hope you do too.I made these while waiting for my pizza to be done! I do mine without any seasoning but you can shake on ranch dressing mix or salt, pepper or anything you would like. Like I have said, I do mine naked. My salsa is enough..but that is another blog!

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