Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Rosemary, Sage, Cheese Garlic Sourdough Bread

All this snow inspires me for more bread making. When my children were little and they closed the schools due to snow I would walk to the corner store and buy some lunch meat and chips and come home and start my dough. I would make my own hoagie (sub) rolls and make fresh sandwiches! It became a tradition here and they not only looked forward to no school but to the fresh bread I would make. While everyone else was out stripping the store shelves of bread we were making our own! Maybe you can start your own snow day tradition! I have already made sourdough bread here but this is a little different as I chopped up fresh herbs and added some of my homemade cheese and a dash or two of garlic powder to the mix but you can use dry herbs and use what cheese you have handy. We are going to essentially use the same recipe from Let's Make Sourdough Bread! blog but substitute the shortening/lard with butter, add tablespoon or so of fresh rosemary and sage with a dash of garlic and a 1/4 cup of crumbled cheese. Here is the original recipe for the above blog link.

Basic Sourdough Bread

3 cups of starter
4 cups of flour to start +2-3 cups
3 tablespoon lard or shortening
1 tablespoon salt
1 cup of scalded and cooled milk or 1 cup of room temperature whey from making yogurt.
(previous blog)

 Like I said I used my homemade cheese but you could use Romano, or Colby, Cheddar or the like. Knead into the dough before baking. Bake as usual for a great artesian bread you make yourself! Toast slices topped with roasted peppers and more cheese. Or you could just use it as any other bread and make a sandwich! Make an olive oil dip with herbs and dip away!

You can see the bits of chees and herbs. Such a wonderful taste and crunchiness.

So in closing, Make a snow event into a homemade bread event!



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