Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ham and Split Pea Soup

Remember that home cured ham I made in a previous post? Well here is a continuation of the saga of the ham! Since we want to save money here and waste nothing, we have a perfectly good bone with all kinds of bits of ham hanging on it. We sliced and picked that ham to death and just when you think there is nothing left...there is split pea soup! And since I smoked the ham, this soup has a soft smoky flavor to it you just can't get in a can! Ohhh such an easy, delicious and cheap soup! So easy that I did it all in a crock pot so there is no mess, fuss or prep work involved. Go to work, come home and eat! All you need is this:

One Ham bone
1 bag of split peas
Optional bay leaf and rosemary
Optional turmeric
Not a lot of ingredients but very wholesome, good for you and CHEAP! So the night before, put your ham bone in the crockpot, cover with water and add your bay leaf. You may want to toss in a sprig of rosemary or a dash of dried. I love rosemary!  Put on low and go to bed. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ *yawn* Morning! Give it a stir and add your split peas and go to work. Tick tock, tick tock... Hi honey I'm home! Give a stir and remove the bones, pepper and turmeric to taste (Do not add salt! There is enough in the ham bone!) serve with bread and a salad and tell your family you slaved at the stove to bring them the best soup they ever had! Hmmm that subtle smoky flavor combined with the ham and peas is just the best thing you ever had! Seconds anyone?
You have to admit, we got a lot out of that on sale pork picnic! Sliced ham, ham sandwiches, ham salad and now soup! Can't tell you how many meals we got out of it. All for about $8! 

A recap on all this turmeric. If you have been following my blog you know the benefits of this spice. If not give it a +Google or read back about what I wrote about it. You will not believe how much this can help you. I will tell you one little benefit that I have found. It takes the gas out of Cole slaw for me! Can't wait to make chili again. It is also a very strong anti-inflammatory agent and you need to add black pepper with it to aid the body's absorption of the spice among other things. Now the disclaimer as before. Everyone is different and you may not get the same results. The good side is there's not much on side effects so give it a try. It can only help you and not hurt you. It is definitely the undiscovered spice. I put it in almost everything I make and I know it has benefited me and I like to share. If you have had good results with it, please let us know below in comments. I am sure everyone that reads this blog would like to hear from others and read your results of using turmeric.

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