Saturday, December 7, 2013

Sourdough Starter Pancakes

Well I am back to the sourdough starter. Your living, growing starter can be used for a multitude of things. You don't have to go out and buy this to make that or buy that to make this. The store has you running all over the place to cook different things. Pizza crust mix, pancake mix, cake mix, bread mix...sheesh! All you need is your sourdough starter and its a renewable source so you always have it on hand! Now you may think I am making all this stuff up for this blog but you have been seeing what I make for me and my family most days. So I live this lifestyle and save myself money and I wanted to share it with others. Therefore, I started this blog! Ok enough of all that let's get back to what this is about! What you need is this:
3 cups sourdough starter
2 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoon of veg. oil
dash of salt
Sounds simple doesn't it? Just heat up your pan and make like you would normally. I make my own grape jam from grapes from my vine and I made a glorious syrup with it out of Karo corn syrup and the jam cooked till combined. Yummy!
So you see, you don't need pancake mix at all.  

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