Friday, November 1, 2013

Cole Slaw

I promised my Cole Slaw in my last post so here it is. Did you know cabbage is loaded with vitamin C as well as other great stuff? See Benefits of Cabbage for all the great things it does for you. Now I don't really use exact measurements because it all depends how much cabbage is used. Sometimes I make a lot for say a party and then there are times I only need a little for two or one. So take it in the spirit and make it to your own tastes as well since some like it more sweet and some might like it a little more vinegary. The choice is yours. Right now so here is the list of what is needed.
Cole Slaw
Cabbage (like I knew that)
Lemon Juice
Apple Cider Vinegar
Optional Turmeric
You don't need any fancy machine to shred the cabbage just slice that head of cabbage in half and slice with a sharp knife in to thin slices. I get mine from an Amish farm so they are huge!

Do a swift chop or two and cut these into smaller shreds depending on the size of the shreds. I am only making enough for me today for lunch.

Shred a table spoon or so of onion and some carrot. (I used just half a skinny carrot today) Set into a large bowl and sprinkle a few pinches of salt and several shakes of sugar and a dash of lemon juice and let sit a while. Let it juice up a bit before going any further so go surf the tv for a re-run of your fav show or putter around the kitchen for a bit. So now about 20 minutes later dash on the apple cider vinegar (Love this stuff!). Here is where some of the personal preferences come in. I like mine a little on the vinegary side so I add a bit more.

Add pepper to taste and the mayo. can make it as dry or as creamy as you like. I used about three heap tablespoons today. You can use light or a flavored mayo if you like to jazz it up. I add a dash or two of Turmeric to mine. There are so many benefits to turmeric. You would be surprised! Check out Benefits of Turmeric for more information about this great spice. Turmeric is what gives mustard it's bright yellow color. It also has a great effect when I add it to my cole slaw. No GAS! Everyone is different so you would have to see if it works for you too. Seems one of its benefits is it aids in the digestion! It also adds a great flavor to all dishes. It will also add a bright lemon yellow to it as well.
Ready for lunch! I think I will have a few of my ribs from yesterday to round it out! I think I will make some Sauerkraut with the rest of that cabbage but that is for another post. Keep your eye out for it! 


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