Monday, November 4, 2013

Buttermilk..the other white milk-Make your own!

I don't think enough people realize the great uses for buttermilk. I use it so much especially with the price of beef I buy loads of chicken. I always soak my chicken in buttermilk before breading or straight out baking. The natural enzymes break down the tissues and make the chicken oh so moist, juicy and tasty. Sometime you can mix in some spices or a packet of dry marinade into the buttermilk to add a little zing. I have used it for pork with a similar result so be creative.

Buttermilk is great for pancakes, use in making your own cheese making instead of buying expensive cultures and a wealth of other recipes.  There is something you might not know that once you buy it you don't really have to buy any more. Most of the buttermilk you see in the store says "Cultured". Well you can culture your own. Just keep a cup and use a quart mason jar or the like (non reactive only) and top it with regular milk, shake and place in a warm spot till thickened. Takes about 12-24 hours depending on the temperature. Give it a shake and use as usual. When you get down to a cup again do it all over. You may want to wash out the container between batches.  A lot easier and cheaper than to run to the store to buy more! Only takes a minute or two. Why give the store your hard earned money! It keeps like milk so use and make more often or its back to the store for more. I will try and post some other yummy recipes to use it in.

I would be glad to answer any question on this or any other blog.

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