Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Let's Make Sourdough Bread!

If you have been following my blog we previously made sourdough starter. You should have a viable starter by now and have fed it a couple of times. If you don't have enough yet keep feeding 1 cup of water and 1 cup of flour for a few days till you do.
It should be nice and bubbly.
Gather your ingredient and your pot. If you don't have a Dutch oven I guess you can use any pot that you can safely put in the oven or you can just form on a pan.
My dutch oven is an All-clad. It has a genuine dutch oven lid. Did you know that that lip is to pile coals from the campfire to bake what you put in the pot? It's made so when you lift the lid the coals don't fall into your food! +Amazon.com carries them too. Ok enough about the pot!
3 cups of starter
4 cups of flour to start +2-3 cups
3 tablespoon lard or shortening
1 tablespoon salt
1 cup of scalded and cooled milk or 1 cup of room temperature whey from making yogurt.
(previous blog)
Told you to save it! Yes! You can use your whey and not waste a thing!

Mix your ingredients together with just 4 cups of flour.
Let rest about an hour or so. Make a well with the rest of your flour, about 2-3 cups, and add your dough. Start folding and kneading the flour into your dough till you get a smooth dough that doesn't stick to your fingers.

Place in your Dutch oven.
Cover and place in cold oven and let rise overnight. I started mine the night before and baked it in the morning before work. That puppy will rise and probably lift the lid off! Mine did! Don't touch it! It will fall! Start up your oven at 375 degrees for about an hour. If you are using a pan you may want to add a little more flour to make a stiffer dough as this tends to spread out without anything to contain it. Make a nice round and place in cold oven to let rise overnight. You may also want to divide on to two pans. Take it from experience. It loves to spread!
Take the lid off and let the top get golden brown then remove and cool. Your bread will pull from the sides and then you can upend the pot to let it cool before slicing.

Look at all those bubble holes! Perfect! Use for toast, sandwiches, Paninis, top with fresh roasted red peppers topped with provolone or mozzarella cheese and toast for a great appetizer. I made some of that with this and it was yummy!

There are so many uses for sourdough starter. Pancakes, muffins, pizza dough. Here is a good site to start with http://sourdough.com/recipes. There are many other sites. Just +Google Search Engine for other sites.

Please let me know how you make out. You can leave a comment or questions below. I would love to hear from you!



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