Saturday, November 23, 2013

Quick Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits for Eggs Benedict..All Homemade!

This recipe calls for your homemade buttermilk from a previous post. Thought I would post this as I am making breakfast this morning and didn't have any bread or rolls. I plan to fry up some of my homemade Canadian bacon, homemade hollandaise sauce and poach some eggs...sound like eggs benedict! Well why not! I'll toss some cheese on top and have a go at it! Like I have mentioned in previous posts making things on your own you not only save on money but you can make lots of delicious things with what you have made that you wouldn't otherwise consider because you would have to spend precious dollars for special ingredients. In this case buttermilk biscuits...Canadian bacon, packaged hollandaise sauce mix...pricey. My Canadian bacon is on my website in the recipe section and you can find it here. Which is very inexpensive to make. I keep a ready supply in my freeze for the weekends. At a $1.88-$1.99 a pound it's a steal! Let's start with the biscuits.
Large glass
Lard (or substitute shortening like Crisco)
1 teaspoon Salt
1 tablespoon Baking Powder
1 cup Buttermilk

Heap 4 tablespoons of lard (lard makes a better tasting biscuit!) or shortening add 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of baking powder. Add 3 cups of flour and mix with your hand rubbing the lard into the flour till you get a course meal like feel. Add 1 cup of buttermilk and mix with your spoon till it pulls together. Try not to over mix. Drop onto a lightly floured surface and pat out to about 1/2"-3/4 inch thickness.
Cut out your biscuits out with your glass.

Gather the remnants and pat out again, cut till you have nothing left. I just pat out a little round with the last of it.
Place on a greased baking sheet and bake 350 degrees for about 1/2 hour or until lightly golden on top. Makes about 8. You can freeze what you don't immediately use and just toast up when you need one!
Fry up your Canadian Bacon. I do mine in a little water. Helps leach out some of salt in the meat.

Now for the Hollandaise sauce.
4 Egg Yokes
2 tablespoon cold water
1 stick UN-Salted butter just melted
Cayenne pepper
Black pepper
2 tablespoon Fresh lemon juice (can substitute bottled if you are short a lemon)
Melt butter and set aside. Make yourself a double boiler as shown here.

Bring water up to a simmer. Now tell everyone not to bother you for a bit as if you stop at this point it will not turn out creamy! Believe me. I have had it happen on more than one occasion (it happened making this for you today as I was trying to get some pictures in! Had to start over!) so after that I got prepared! It helps if you have everything handy and within reach at this point. Add egg yolks and water into the pan then place on the simmering water and whisk till it just starts to thicken,
Slowly add the butter
whisking constantly till it is all incorporated and continue to cook till it is a nice creamy consistency. Like a soft pudding. Immediately remove from heat and add your lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste and a dash of Cayenne pepper and there you got it!
Now onto poaching your eggs. Make sure they are fresh. I add more water to my pan I used for the double boiler water and add a dash of plain white vinegar. It helps to keep the egg together when you place, not drop the eggs into the water. Crack the egg and as close as you can just slide the eggs into the water. I am doing two at a time.
Let cook about 3-4 minutes. You don't want to make the yolks hard. So watch them. Remove with slotted spoon dip in fresh water (to remove the vinegar) and then onto your halved biscuits,
add slice of Canadian bacon,
some finely sliced Mozzarella
and spoon on your Hollandaise sauce.
Oh to die for! And you made it!
Hollandaise sauce is great on vegetables or baked potato. I hope you enjoy your breakfast as I know I will mine. Let me know how yours came out. I would love to hear from you!

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