Thursday, November 21, 2013

Homemade Gnocchi

Hi everyone! Sorry haven't posted anything lately. Been a little busy with other stuff. Tonight I made homemade cheese gnocchi. They are Italian dumplings. They come in two different types, cheese and potato. I made the cheese kind using Ricotta. We are having gnocchi for our Thanksgiving dinner as a side dish and we also had it for dinner tonight. I purposely made a lot to freeze. Let's begin.

32 oz Ricotta
1 tablespoon salt
garlic powder
1 cup Grated cheese (Romano or Parmigiano)
6 eggs
4+ cups Flour
Beat the eggs, ricotta, salt, garlic powder together. Add grated cheese and a couple of cups of flour. Gradually add more flour till you can make a ball that is not sticky.
Refrigerate for several hours or store overnight in fridge and finish the next night. Cut off a handful and roll into long rolls about 3/4 inch thick. Cut in no more than 1/2 inch sections.

At this point you can either pop them into boiling water seasoned with salt or spread on a wax paper lined cookie sheets and freeze before placing them in a bag for storage in the freezer. Cook them for about 10 min after they start to float to the top and scoop out with slotted spoon. They will be considerably bigger as they puff up. Top with melted butter, salt, pepper and grated cheese or your favorite tomato sauce and mozzarella.
Serve with garlic bread and a nice salad! If this is too much for you by all means cut the recipe in half in half. There is nothing like fresh!

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