Sunday, November 3, 2013

Cure a Ham for the Holidays! Updated!

Well today I wanted to start a cured ham for Thanksgiving. Takes at least two weeks to cure in the refrigerator and then after, which is an option, smoke it in the smoker with hardwood charcoal and apple wood. I use a sugar cure I made up. You will need:

Pork Picnic
Approx. 1 gal. water
1 lb. Brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
1 cup of Kosher or Sea Salt (no iodine!)
1 tsp. Ground Clove
1 tsp. Crushed Coriander
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 tsp.. Black Pepper
1 tsp. Turmeric (Optional)
1 tablespoon of @Morton Tender Quick or pink curing salt per pound of meat
Meat injector
I have made a couple of these in the past and it is soooo good you will never buy store bought ham again. Start with your pork picnic.
Rinse off and pat dry really good. Let sit while you make up your cure. Get your pot or container and mix the water (depending on the size of your picnic and container you may use more or less water), spices, sugar and Morton Tender Quick and stir till dissolved.
Because of the bone you need to inject some of your cure into the meat. Don't be stingy and get as close to the bone as you can. Just keep poking it and filling it up. I poked mine about 10 times. Place your picnic skin side up in the cure.
Put a plate on top to keep it submerged.
Pop the entire thing into the fridge and note the date. My picnic was a little less than 9 pounds. It will stay in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks or so. After 2 weeks I will take it out and drain the cure and add fresh cool water and let soak about an hour changing the water at least twice. This leaches out some of the salt. Remove and pat dry really, really good. Let set out while you start up the smoker. You don't want it to be wet to the touch before smoking or else the smoke will not penetrate the outside easily and you want all that great smoky flavor. When you take that baby out of the smoker all the sugar you used will give it a caramelized finish. Even though smoking is an option I highly recommend it. I smoke mine for about 4 hours at around 200 - 225 degrees with natural hardwood charcoal and apple wood I have from my tree. The big box stores do carry apple wood chips. You can be adventurous and use mesquite or hickory. Don't have a smoker? You can use your grill to smoke it. They sell smoker boxes or you can use a foil pie plate with holes poked in the bottom. Soak your chips in water first for about 20 min. You want them to slow burn. You will want to put the ham on one side of the grill without the burner on and put the plate with the chips on the other side with the burner on low and let 'er rip! Just keep checking to replenish your chips. Either way you chose to do it you need to reach at least 145 degree internal temp or if you are short on time finish it up in the oven or store it in the fridge till you can. I plan on freezing mine for a few days so it will keep till Thanksgiving.
If you don't wish to smoke it just cook it like you would any other ham. Another option would be to use some liquid smoke in your cure. After trying this you will think store bought hams rather blah, I guarantee it!
I will be glad to answer any questions. Just a note though. You can purchase Morton's Tender Quick at You will need it if you following my future blogs when I post homemade slab bacon and Canadian bacon! Here is a picture of some slab bacon I just finished and smoked! We had it for breakfast this morning...that is another blog...

11/18/2013 Update: Well I am back to this again. It's been two weeks and the ham is ready to smoke. Took my ham out of the fridge and dumped the cure out and filled up with clean cool water for about 20 minutes changing the water twice. Leaching out some of the salt.

Pat it really dry with paper towels and let air dry while you get the smoker ready. It needs to be dry so the smoke will penetrate the outside. My smoker is homemade from two non-OPD grill tanks and I use hardwood lump coals and apple wood soaked in water. Start 'er up! You don't have to smoke it if you don't. It is ready at this point to bake like you would any other ham. Remember to cook all pork thoroughly.

Several hours later depending how hot you got your fire going take out your ham. DON'T USE A FORK OR PIERCE THE HAM! I used a clean dishcloth to remove from the smoker. If  you pierce it the juices will be released. Don't want that!

All smoked! Cool somewhat before slicing. Delish! If you got any questions let me know below.

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