Thursday, November 14, 2013

Homemade Sausage from Country Style Ribs!

I just love my food processor. There are so many uses for one than you would think. For instance, want some ground beef for tacos but don't have anything but some cubed beef for stew? Well just partial freeze it and process away and wa-la! Ground beef! I have worn one out just because I love to use it. Here is another use. Let's make some loose sausage or sausage patties! How much is the store bought stuff now. $3.58 on sale? Guess it depends where you live. Any a hoo here is what you do! Now remember you can't make a bad batch just different flavors. It may be fun to try different  things for different tastes. Pork Country ribs go on sale for what? $1.49 a pound? Maybe a little more? Still under $3.00 right? Get out your food processor and lets get started.
Start with partial frozen ribs. Makes it easier for the processor and you cubing it. Trim off the meat, fat and all. Toss the bones into a small pot with some carrot, onion, celery and then a few noodles for a little spot of soup. We don't waste anything here. You would not believe the amount of fat that is in sausage. That is where all the grease comes from, and the flavor though I have found that some of the store bought is mostly fat and little meat! If you have visited my website and saw in the recipe section on how to make homemade Canadian bacon and saved the trimmed fat off that then bring it out. If you saved it in the freezer that is great. It will cut into cubes frozen. If you look on the web there are so many different recipes for making sausage. Different spices and additions. Try this to start and what I do is I take a little and fry it up, taste it and adjust to taste. Get creative.

Ok you will need:
Pork partial frozen (country style ribs work well) One healthy package will do 3-4 lbs
2 tablespoon black pepper
1 cup of fresh sage or 1-2 tablespoon of ground sage (I like extra)
4 cloves of garlic
4 tablespoon of cold water
1 cup of pork fat (fat back can be used but I have not had luck with it. If you use it don't add any salt till you test it first! Or you can just make a lean sausage. It may be a little dry.)
The above is the basic. You can add fresh onion, brown sugar, nutmeg, fennel, Broccoli Rabe, combination of all or beer even. Cayenne, crushed red pepper to spice it up...It is up to you. I have tried so many combinations and they were all good! Now with your pork and fat all cubed up give it a good round in your processor with your spices so it is all chopped up with no chunks and well mixed.
Looks like this. Let it sit for a bit, about 15 minutes or longer to let all the spices just combine with the meat and try a test fry.
Just try a little with any addition if you are not sure and try it out first, add what you think it needs and try again. I didn't say this was a science! Besides, if you don't make it your own you can't gloat! I add some Turmeric to mine as it has great value and taste! When you get it how you like it make patties and freeze on a sheet. Provided you haven't eaten it all! LOL!
Pop into the freezer then take them out and place them into a bag so you can pull out how many you want at any given time.
There you have it. I made these with 3 tablespoon of brown sugar for a nice breakfast treat. Form into logs and put in a bun with your homemade sauerkraut from a previous post! If you have any questions or comments please leave them below. And please, if you try this out let me know how yours came out!





  1. Hi Stephanie! I'm enjoying looking to see what you are up to! Glad you enjoyed using the cookbooks you borrowed the other day!

    -Carol :)

  2. Thanks Carol. I did mention on some of the pie recipes that I got them from the book I took out at the library. So far there hasn't been a pie I haven't liked!
