Monday, November 11, 2013

Homemade Greek Yogurt!

Homemade Greek Yogurt you can make at home with equipment you probably already have! Does this all look familiar?
This is your high tech equipment! LOL Bet you didn't think you had your own yogurt making equipment! So here is what you do......
Take about 1/2 gal milk heat to 170 - 180 degrees...that would be a little after it starts to bubble around the sides. Don't scorch it! Let cool to 105 degrees. 
Now add your starter. If you eat a lot of yogurt you will only have to buy this once.

Three heaping spoonful's ought to do it! You can eat the rest now.
Mix really well and put the lid on. Place in cooler and wrap the heating pad around it. Turn on the heating pad to medium and close lid.
Simple huh? Let it do it's thing and come back about 12 hours later. You can start this in the morning before work and it should be ready after you get home, made dinner and done cleaning up. You will need a colander, bowl and some sort of fine cloth as a linen dinner napkin, cheese cloth, muslin  +Walmart sewing department sells muslin cheap and its washable and re-useable! Or an old clean t-shirt will do. Line the colander with your cloth, place over the bowl and dump the yogurt in. Your yogurt will be a little soupy but that is ok, we want to drain some of the whey off. Gather the corners, tie to long mixing spoon or chop stick or I hang mine from the cabinet handle with twine or yarn and suspend over the bowl. Let drain about an hour and you are done. Take down and transfer to a container for storage in the fridge. Oh and save what you drained off. It is whey. If you are following this blog you will need it for what is coming up!
Chill and you are all set. When you get down to the last couple of spoonfuls repeat the process. You will never have to buy yogurt again! Keep refrigerated.
Add fresh fruit or canned for a homemade delicious treat! Add some frozen berries and blend for a smoothie! Use instead of sour cream on your potato or tacos! My favorite is on fried chicken. Years ago I was fed lunch by a Greek family and they made their own yogurt. Lunch was fried chicken with yogurt. Don't knock it till you try it! It was the most delicious thing I ever tasted and I have remembered it from over 35 years ago!
You will save money and you can make any flavor you want. Most of all you did it all by yourself! Go ahead and boast! No fancy yogurt maker, no fancy equipment! Another thing did you know that you can use yogurt in making different kinds of cheese? It has enzymes needed to make different kinds of cheese! That is another blog! 
Let me know how you make out or you can leave a comment or question below. I would love to hear from you!


  1. What a clever idea its something everyone has in their home .
